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Original document  : TP-2024-0049-Minutes_TP64
Previous revision (RNb  1 ) : TP-2024-0049-Minutes_TP64
Current document   ( RNb 2 )   :   TP-2024-0049R01-Minutes_TP64 
Following revision (RNb  3 ) :  TP-2024-0049R02-Minutes_TP64
Shortname Minutes TP64
Technical Status Draft 
Document Status Changed 
Physical Status Uploaded 
Document Class Temp 
Document Type Minutes 
Working Group TP - Technical Plenary 
Source Karen Hughes, ETSI 
Submitter Name / Organisation Karen HUGHES (European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)) 
Meeting TP 64 - Closing Plenary-2024-04-26 11:00:00 
Against TS/TR (Version)  
Last modified hughes , 2024-04-30 09:00:07 
Creation Date 2024-04-30 09:00:07 
File TP-2024-0049R01-Minutes_TP64.DOC (159 ko)
Upload Date : 2024-04-30 09:00:07
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